Friday, October 10, 2008

Old School to New School....Can U hear me?

Tonight I was invited to speak to the Bishop McNamara high school football team. They have a team dinner every Friday night before their Saturday games. I have special memories regarding my high school days and I happen to be in the school's Hall of Fame, so having an opportunity to share my story with the new-age generation was cool. They wear their game jerseys and get together with their coaches and some of the parents cook and serve them a team meal. They also have a speaker address them before the evening concludes. Well tonight was yours truly! I really enjoyed speaking to the youngsters and sharing my story from my McNamara days to now. It's a different generation for sure and you're not always sure how they receive things, so we'll see. My days at McNamara were different because it wasn't coed back then so it was just the fellas! So you know we cut up more and we had a sense of camaraderie or male bonding going on! You would probably take a little more teasing off a cat when you weren't embarrassed in front of a little "honey" you were trying to crack on. "Crack on," I know that took some of ya'll back huh? "Little Honey," man, let me stop! I'm about to write a song up in here in a minute! lol Thanks for the opportunity to speak to the team Coach, thanks for your undivided attention fellas and thanks for the chili! I hope the fellas throw down tomorrow like their mothers did tonight!

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